Consortium Team

Jianzhi (James) Li


Dr. James Li is the Professor at UTRGV. He received his doctoral degree in Industrial Engineering from Texas Technology University. Dr. Li has 20+ years of leadership and research experiences in the areas of advanced manufacturing and materials, focusing on laser material processing, additive manufacturing, process modelling and optimization, composite materials, sustainable manufacturing and logistics. As the director of the consortium, Dr. Li supports research, innovation, and education programs at five consortium institutions to support talent needs in Defense Manufacturing.

Joseph Beaman

Director for Research and Industry Board

Dr. Joseph Beaman received his Sc.D from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the area of nonlinear control in the Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering in 1979. He is a member of National Academy of Engineers and Follow of ASME. His research interest is in Solid Freeform Fabrication, becoming the first academic researcher in the field in 1985. One of the most successful Solid Freeform Fabrication, Selective Laser Sintering is a process that was developed in his laboratory. He was one of the founders of DTM Corporation, which markets Selective Laser Sintering. During the period 1990-1992, Professor Beaman was in charge of Advanced Development for DTM.

Douglas Timmer

Director for Education

Dr. Douglas Timmer is currently a professor in Department of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering at UTRGV. He received his Ph.D. degree from Industrial Engineering from Texas A&M in 1994. Some of his research areas are Education Research, Applied Statistics, Design of Experiments, Process Modeling, and Statistical Quality Control.

Anil Srivastava

Director for Strategic Relations

Dr. Anil Srivastava is currently a Star Professor in the Department of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering at UTRGV. He received his doctoral degree in Mechanical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India. Dr. Srivastava has 30+ years of industry and academic research and leadership experiences in the areas of advanced manufacturing and materials, mainly, focusing on Precision Machining, Sustainability, Composite Materials, Smart Manufacturing, and Sensor Applications to Manufacturing Processes. Dr. Srivastava is member of SME and ASME and also, a Fellow of SME and Fellow of ASME.

Frank Chen

Site Director at UTSA

Dr. F. Frank Chen is the Lutcher Brown Distinguished Chair in Advanced Manufacturing at University of Texas-San Antonio where he founded the Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Lean Systems. Dr. Frank Chen received his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Missouri-Columbia. As one of the nine NSF nominated engineering professors in the nation who received the 1996 Presidential Faculty Fellows Award from President Clinton at the White House. His current research interests include lean tools and concepts for product development and R&D operations, design and operation of energy efficient buildings, intelligent manufacturing, and enterprise integration and transformation.

Alley Butler

Site Director at UTRGV

Dr. Alley Butler is currently a professor in Department of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering at UTRGV. He received his Ph.D. degree from Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University in 1992. His area of expertise ranges from Shipbuilding and Naval Systems, Application of Virtual Environments, Modeling of Mechanical Systems, AI, to Neural Networks.

Richard Crawford

Site Director at UT-Austin

Dr. Richard Crawford is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at UT-Austin. He received his doctoral degree in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University in 1989. He received the 1995 Fred Merryfield Design Award from the American Society for Engineering Education in recognition of his contributions in design education. He also received the 2010 Ralph Coates Roe Award as an exemplary Mechanical Engineering educator. Dr. Crawford has been involved in the development of a "Design Technology" curriculum for elementary schoolsHis research topics include solid freeform fabrication, design of energy harvesting devices for remote locations, and development of computational representations and tools to support exploration of very complex engineering design spaces.

Zhenyu (James) Kong


Zhenyu (James) Kong

Site Director at Virginia Tech (VT)

Dr. Zhenyu Kong is a Professor in IE at VT. He received his doctoral degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the University of Wisconsin in 2004. He is a fellow of SME and IISE. Some of his research interests are: Real-time sensing, analytics and control for smart manufacturing, Modeling, synthesis and diagnosis for large and complex manufacturing systems, and Applications of machine learning for manufacturing and service systems.

Zhenhua (David) Wu


Zhenhua (David) Wu

Site Director at Virginia State University (VSU)

Dr. Zhenhua Wu is currently an Associate Professor in Manufacturing Engineering and the Director for the Cybermanufacturing Laboratory at VSU. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Texas  A&M  University. His research is supported by NSF, ONR, ARO, NASA, VSU CAREO, and industrial sponsors in the areas of smart manufacturing, automation, sustainable manufacturing, and product life cycle engineering. His research outcomes have been extensively published and cited in the leading journals and conferences in manufacturing field.


Dragan Djurdjanovic

Director for Student Exchange

Dr. Dragan Djurdjanovic is an associate professor in UT at Austin. received his doctoral degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Michigan in 2002. He is a Fellow of the International Society for Asset Management and the Director of the University of Texas Industry-University Cooperative Research Center on Intelligent Maintenance Systems. His research interests include: advanced quality control in multistage manufacturing systems, intelligent proactive maintenance techniques, and applications of advanced signal processing in biomedical engineering.